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Supporting every child to achieve their full potential

Starting in 1978 with local young people helping to build an adventure playground on a semi-official rubbish tip, The Venture has grown over the last 43 years into one of the UK’s leading local children, young people and family organisations.
The Venture is based in Caia Park in Wrexham, the largest council housing estate in Wales, which has the highest levels of child poverty in Wales, according to the End Child Poverty Campaign.
Studied and praised by six universities and five national children's organisations, The Venture delivers a wide range of community-based services — early years, playwork, health, education, youth work, community events, sport, community café and environmental improvements.
Adopted by the Welsh Government in 2005 as its model for Integrated Children’s Centres across Wales, The Venture was later adopted in Scotland as its model for working with substance abusing families and in England as its model for adventure playgrounds.
The adventure playground and the values of playwork remain at the heart of The Venture, as does it’s closeness to the community it serves. As Care Inspectorate Wales said “The Venture is there for the community. The Venture is a community.”
"The Venture is one of the best children's organisations in the country, if not in Europe."
- Secretary of State for Wales
"The Venture has earned for itself an international reputation as a beacon of best practice in the provision of children's play"
- Head of BBC Children In Need in Wales

"I remain in awe at everything that has been achieved over the forty years that The Venture has been an integral part of the life of Caia Park and the life of Wrecsam"
- First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford MS, January 2022


The Venture recently received the highest possible inspection results from Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW)!
Both our Flying Start Early Years Centre and our open-access playwork provision received 4 EXCELLENT scores each!
To find out more you can:
Read the Early Years Centre's CIW report
Read the adventure playground's CIW report
Read the Wrexham.com article
Read the Leader Live article
Read the Love Wrexham article